More than a registered INSTINCT trademark, BE INSPIRED represents our initiative & commitment towards improved & more environmentally friendly production methods and actions.
This vision will be an integral part of our future product developments.
Our love for nature must go beyond our mutual appreciation for the trails; And beyond the excitement around ever more technical gear.
Nature is our playground and source of inspiration. It’s to be respected with actions to protect it….now.

Whether it be our oceans, beaches, or trails, our surroundings
are devastatingly impacted by plastic pollution.
It’s impossible to miss.
Such represents a morbid trace of our negligence.
Close to one million plastic bottles are sold
per minute in the world.
Only 1/5 of all plastic is recycled¹.
It’s obvious that turning around the current situation will take phenomenal effort,
but each contribution is important.
Starting in 2020, part of our products will be produced with recycled polyester.
Our Duffel Pack 45 liter leads this initiative. Each material is GRS certified.
Reducing our carbon footprint by using materials produced with recycled plastics is one of the many possible solutions that can make an immediate & positive impact.

The goal of the GRS is to increase use of recycled materials in products &
reduce/eliminate the harm caused by its production².
In part, its objectives are to:
- Track & trace recycled input materials;
- Provide customers (brands & consumers)
with a tool to make informed decisions;
- Reduce harmful impact of production to
people &the environment;
- Provide assurance that materials in the final product are
actually recycled & sustainably processed;
- Drive innovation in addressing quality issues in the use of recycled materials.
More than a technical brand on a mission, INSTINCT has a unique business model in tune with the market:
- No seasonal color changes.
- Quality products that last.
- European manufacturing of apparel
- A stable, fair & long term brand strategy
- No over production = No destocking, NO Black Fridays, & no over consumption